
Blog Entries - 'windshield'

Infrared Windshield

Why Does My New Car Have An Infrared Windshield?

An infrared windshield reflects the infrared light waves, thus reducing heat build-up from direct sunlight inside the car. What does that mean to the average consumer?  Cost savings from both increased fuel

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Automobile windshield

Does My Windshield Protect Me From the Sun?

Have you ever wondered why you don't get sunburned while driving in your car?  This article provides interesting information pertaining to why a windshield does provide protection from the

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Aquapel Treatment

I Can See Clearly Now the Rain is Gone...

Is your vision impaired while driving in the rain, sleet or snow? Aquapel Glass Treatment will make your driving experience safer by repelling the rain and reducing the glare, especially at night.  The difference is

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